Classical Action:
Performing Arts Against AIDS
A Program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS

State: Florida
Grantee Spotlight: Florida’s The River Fund
“The extremely poor neighborhoods we serve are just a few miles from some of the richest zip codes in America,” says Jaya Canterbury-Counts, executive director of The River Fund, which not only feeds the struggling residents of communities an hour’s drive from West Palm Beach, but women and children living with HIV/AIDS in Africa and […]
BC/EFA Grant a Lifesaver For Florida Food Pantry
By Andy Smith Through the years, BC/EFA’s impact has spread well beyond the Broadway community, from service providers in cities and towns across America to agencies helping families in the South African bush. This month, we begin taking a closer look at some of the nearly 500 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) nationwide that have come […]